Create mixed media pieces using polymer clay, bezels and charms - a simple way to add dimension to your clay.

Click HERE for the tutorial

Stamp 1: Embed Bezels

Adding metal to your pieces is a great way to add interest and differentiate your makes. Give embedding bezels a go!

Stamp 2:  Embedding charms

Charms and clay can be such a beautiful combo, and a simple way to elevate your pieces. Try embedding charms!

Our Top Tips for success!

  • Be sure to secure your bezel or charm post bake to ensure it stays put!
  • When embedding your bezels or charms it is a good idea to use a roller or acrylic clay press - this way you get a more uniform embed and avoid fingerprints!
  • Using a cutter to cut around your bezel or charm can be a simpler and cleaner way to cut around your piece - you can just use a craft knife though if you don't have a cutter.